6 Ways to Help Someone Struggling with Drug Addiction

When it comes to helping someone who is addicted to drugs, the first step is recognizing the problem. It's also beneficial to develop stress management strategies for yourself, as you will likely encounter stressors when helping a friend or family member. Olympia House Rehab provides a peaceful and structured environment for drug and alcohol recovery. Our 24-hour staff is trained in various treatment options to provide the most individualized and effective program for each resident.

If you need help, you can call our toll-free number at (800) 662-HELP (435) or our local rehabilitation center at (88) 795-1965. An intervention is also an option, which is a professionally directed addiction education process that allows family members, friends, and the person struggling with addiction to talk face to face. In addition to helping the addict, it's important to make changes in your own life as well. Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction focuses on managing the disorder, just like managing other chronic diseases such as asthma or heart disease. Step-by-Step Guides for Finding Treatment for Drug Use Disorders (PDF) are available for adults, teens, or people helping someone who is addicted to drugs.

An addicted person no longer feels that there is an option to take a substance. To be clear, it's not always easy to make the decision to provide help for drug addiction or help with another type of addiction. The duration of treatment depends on several factors, including the severity of a person's addiction. Olympia House Rehab offers individualized addiction treatment tailored to their long-term goals and mental health issues.

American Addiction Centers (AAC) can help you find the best drug and alcohol treatment centers near you. Factors that may influence the decision of where to go for treatment for drug or alcohol addiction and the type of program you choose include the reputation of the facility and the type of care you seek. When it comes to helping someone who is struggling with drug addiction, there are several steps you can take. Recognizing the problem is the first step, followed by developing stress management strategies for yourself. You can also call a rehabilitation center or arrange an intervention.

Additionally, it's important to make changes in your own life as well as seek out individualized addiction treatment tailored to their long-term goals and mental health issues.