Recovery from Addiction: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are seeking recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, you may be concerned about what the process entails. Although addiction treatment is different in each rehabilitation center and for each person, the basic steps are the same for everyone everywhere. They include assessing the problem, detoxifying the body, establishing and implementing a long-term plan, and going to therapy. The first stage of recovery begins the moment you seek help for your drug or alcohol addiction.

Whether you seek help voluntarily or are forced by circumstances to go into rehabilitation, your recovery process begins with the start of professional treatment. Once you have fully committed to treating your addiction, you are in the second stage of recovery, known as early abstinence. During this stage, your addiction counselor will teach you the coping skills needed to lead a sober lifestyle. The tools you learn during this stage will help you throughout your recovery. The third stage of recovery is known as maintenance.

This is when you have established a routine of sobriety and are actively working on your program. This may mean attending 12-step meetings, attending regular counseling sessions, or joining a support group. It is important to continue to work on your program in order to maintain a healthy and sober lifestyle. The fourth and final stage of recovery is relapse prevention. This is when you have reached a point where you can recognize triggers and warning signs that could lead to relapse.

You have developed strategies to cope with cravings and have learned how to avoid high-risk situations that could lead to relapse. This is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and dedication. No matter what stage of addiction you are in, help is available. Addiction is a progressive disease that only worsens when left untreated. If you're ready to admit you have a problem and get on the road to recovery, talk to one of our compassionate counselors today about substance abuse recovery in Tampa. Very few people set out to become addicted.

A more common scenario is for a friend or family member to offer the consumer a substance, usually with the stated intention that the use of the drug is fun or useful. A candidate may see this case of getting high as a one-time thing, but the first time may be what opens the door to the downward spiral of addiction. Peer pressure is the main culprit of this type of experimentation. While teens have a reputation for agreeing with the crowd, even adults are not immune to this pressure. Measurable stress levels tend to increase, for everyone, when we experience that we are not accepted within a group.

Those who don't have a good defense against social ostracism often use a drug offered to feel included. Others will start taking a medication offered as a means of relieving physical discomfort. While supposedly safe when taken as prescribed, pain relief medications that are used outside of a doctor's prescription are currently the main factor in the development of an addiction. An overwhelming number of current heroin users cite prescription drug abuse as the starting point for their opioid addiction. In conclusion, if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it is important to be aware of these stages and use knowledge to avoid the end result of addiction. Help is available and there are many resources available for those seeking recovery from addiction.