Understanding the Five Stages of Addiction Recovery

In the initial stage of treatment, clients may be in the stage of change of precontemplation, contemplation, preparation or early action, depending on the nature of the group. Regardless of their early recovery stage, customers tend to be ambivalent about ending substance use. Even those who sincerely intend to remain abstinent may have a weak commitment to recovery. In addition, cognitive impairment of substances is more severe in these early stages of recovery, so customers tend to be rigid in their thinking and limited in their ability to solve problems. For some scientists, it seems that the “addicted brain” is abnormally conditioned, so environmental signals surrounding drug use have become part of addiction (Leshner 1996, p.).

During early treatment, a relatively active leader seeks to involve clients in the treatment process. Clients from the start “generally respond more favorably to the group leader who is spontaneous, 'alive' and attractive than to the group leader who takes the more reserved stance of technical neutrality associated with the more classic approaches to group therapy (Flores 2001, p.). The leader should not be too charismatic, but must have a strong enough presence to meet the dependency needs of clients during the initial stage of treatment. In groups of processes, the leader pays special attention to feelings at the initial stage of treatment. Many people with a history of addiction are not sure what they are feeling and have great difficulty communicating their feelings to others.

Leaders begin to help group members move toward regulating effects by labeling and reflecting feelings as they arise at work. The subtle instruction and empathy of the leader allow clients to begin to recognize and appropriate their feelings. This essential step toward managing feelings also leads customers to empathize with the feelings of others. Cognitive ability usually begins to return to normal in the middle stage of treatment. The activity of the frontal lobe in a person addicted to cocaine, for example, is dramatically different after about 4 to 6 months without use.

Even so, the mind can make jokes. Clients can clearly remember the comfort of their past substance, but they forget how bad it was the rest of their lives and the seriousness of the consequences that were ahead before starting treatment. As a result, the temptation to relapse remains a cause for concern. As the mental, physical and emotional capabilities of the recovering client strengthen, anger, sadness, terror, and pain can be expressed more appropriately. Clients need to use the group as a means to explore their emotional and interpersonal world. Learn to differentiate, identify, name, tolerate and communicate feelings.

Cognitive-behavioral interventions can provide clients with specific tools to help modulate feelings and become more confident in expressing and exploring them. Interpersonal process groups are particularly useful in the middle stage of treatment, because authentic relationships within the group allow clients to experience and integrate a wide range of emotions in a safe environment. The five stages of addiction recovery are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Read on to learn more about these different stages. One of the most drastic and important uses of this model is manifested in the treatment of addictions.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration states that 8.6% of the U. S. population needed treatment for drug or alcohol addiction within a year. In the contemplation stage of change, addicted people begin to understand that their current lifestyle is not sustainable. At this time, no action is taken or any plan is made.

However, some may argue that this is one of the most vital moments in a person's recovery. Without recognition of a problem, it is almost impossible to make genuine and effective change. Each stage clearly describes the process of recognizing and admitting the problem, preparing for addiction treatment, and coping with life after treatment of alcohol and drug abuse. Understanding the Five Stages of Addiction Recovery Can Be Helpful for Addicted Individuals and Their Family Members. During the treatment of drug or alcohol addiction, there are stages that are characterized by early-, middle- and late-stage treatments. This initial period spent on therapy is usually the most intense and complex; people at this stage can enroll in an intensive or residential outpatient treatment program and spend several days a week on treatment if they do not reside in a full-time facility. One of the best examples of this stage is when a person seeks treatment options for addiction.

Many people in late-stage treatment experience a return to substance use and return to an earlier stage of treatment. Late-stage treatment spends less time on substance abuse per se and focuses on identifying benefits that should be maintained and risks that persist. Based on concepts from Stages of Change model, Stages of Treatment framework is part of Substance Abuse Treatment Scale (SATS) and provides reliable, observable and behavior-defined approach for monitoring progress made by dual-diagnosis clients throughout change process. Each person's journey through recovery is unique; theory behind stages of addiction is just model that can be used for understanding treatment process. During this stage of treatment, person's history with alcohol or drug use will be taken into account; treatment program will be introduced; counselor will work with person for developing individualized treatment plan. Because addiction is individualistic experience each stage differs depending on condition person suffering from Substance Use Disorder (SUD), therapeutic strategies effective for it as well as characteristics from treatment orientation.